Thursday, December 13, 2007

I think that people using their time to answer seemingly random questions is actually very important to the survival of society. There are many examples of things that were invented by accident that do good for people everyday. Two of the things that I can think of are rubber and the safety glass that is used for the windshields of cars. Rubber is very important to everything from tires to rubber bands. Safety glass has saved countless people from getting cut by shards of glass when they are involved in a collision.

I believe that it is very important for people to be concerned and involved in what is going on around them. If people were discouraged from experimenting with random things using Chemistry, there would not be nearly as many useful things in the world as there are today. As for the money, I think that the money spent is worth it because of the possibilities of the end result.

I commented on Josh's, Ryan's, and Kate's blogs.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

At first in Chemistry this year, I was very worried that the class would be too difficult. Over time, I have learned that I really enjoy Chemistry because I now understand the reason behind many things that we learned in middle school. I have also learned that the class is meant to be a challenge and not to be so hard on myself. I look forward to working hard in Chemistry from now until the end of the year. This has been a very interesting class so far (especially the labs) and I hope that it will stay that way. I really like the fact that our class is so small becuase they is more of a chance that everyone in the class will understand everything. Sometimes in miss the wider spread of abilities simply because when there are more people that don't understand things the first time, those things get reinforced.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I love chemistry and this is so much fun!