Wednesday, December 12, 2007

At first in Chemistry this year, I was very worried that the class would be too difficult. Over time, I have learned that I really enjoy Chemistry because I now understand the reason behind many things that we learned in middle school. I have also learned that the class is meant to be a challenge and not to be so hard on myself. I look forward to working hard in Chemistry from now until the end of the year. This has been a very interesting class so far (especially the labs) and I hope that it will stay that way. I really like the fact that our class is so small becuase they is more of a chance that everyone in the class will understand everything. Sometimes in miss the wider spread of abilities simply because when there are more people that don't understand things the first time, those things get reinforced.


Eric said...

I like the colors of your blog! You did a good job scoring at the swim meet today. I also like the labs in class because they are fun.

Mica said...

Corinne, I agree that it is nice that things are finally explained that we learned in middle school! I enjoyed reading your paragraph, it brought up many good points, and I think the same about each of them.

i.really.wish.i.was.corinne said...

i agree that we should not be as hard on ourselves as we are because this class is extremely hard sometimes but i believe that it makes us work harder so keep up the gooood work pineapple!

jaml00jaml00 said...

I like what you said about chemistry as a subject, but I don't feel as though you really answered the questions that JV wanted you to address. Your blog looks nice, but is a little dark for my taste.